Thursday, November 27, 2003

My Letter to The Nation Add to my Hotlist

Re:Clark's True Colors

Disappointed. I waited for the obvious lines: "heh, heh, heh = Bababouie" The date was all wrong too: you meant to publish that on April 1st.

Whenever I start appreciating anything in your publication, an election comes along and then you remind me the real reason you get funded: suppress the vote by advancing the right wing friendly meme: "they are all the same". The good news for this democracy: after what you did in 2000, no sane person in this country is likely to look for voting advice from you.

I hope you accepted the responsibility of doing your part in bringing about the present disaster: GWbush. Whether you accepted it or not, it's on your heads. Publishing shophomoric trash like that is your attempt to earn him a second term - only now even youngsters are on to you these days.

Have fun on your way down the drain - I see Taibbi having a glorious career at Faux. He'll have to ditch Kuchinich of course, but he looks like someone who is more comfortable spewing venom anyway. And if he's lucky, he'll even get to date Ann Coulter!

Sneer all you want, people want a competent leader who is anti-war because knows intimately its horrors and who knows how to bring about a peace - having actually done it.

How does it feel to always be on the wrong side of history? You savaged Al Gore last election - did you hear his speech at With Clark, you are just repeating your idiocy. Congratulations! You are consistent. Only this time, only Beavis and Butthead will follow you. On second thought, just Beavis.

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