Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Post debate analysis:
Ok on Clark v. Zahn great analysis here:

At the moment, on her "Post-Debate Wrap-Up," Paula Zahn is trying to trap a series of candidates into calling Howard Dean a racist. It's pretty annoying, actually. First she asks each of them, "What do you think about the fact that Governor Dean refused to apologize for comments about the confederate flag? Do you think he's a racist?" And then when they say, no, of course he's not a racist, but I disagree with him for this and that reason, she follows up with, "Wait a minute, let's be fair. He did say tonight that he thought the confederate flag was a racist symbol. Are you accusing him of trying to have things both ways?"

Clark, on the other hand, just answered her question on gays in the military pretty well, clarifying that if military investigators are trailing servicemen to gay bars and trying to out them, then clearly the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy isn't working terribly well. I'm also reminded again that his military background allows him to stand up for moral behavior without sounding like, well, like Joe Lieberman. When Zahn phrased a question to him as, "You did not admit to inhaling marijuana," he cut her down -- "There wasn't anything to admit, Paula, because I've never touched the stuff." She pressed on, pointing out that with this young crowd, marijuana use might be something that resonated. Clark's answer was classic and I hope Zahn cringed in response: "It really doesn't matter to me if that's something that appeals to them. In the United States Armed Forces, we don't respect drug use. It impairs people's ability to perform their duty. I've never used drugs and there's nothing wrong with that."

This is Amy Sullivan.

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