Wednesday, November 26, 2003

My letter published in Am-NY - our free daily

Posted to Writers For Clark on Wed Nov 26th, 2003 at 06:25:18 AM EST
It doesn't have an on line version so here's what I sent: Thank you for putting a picture of my favorite General in your paper. There was of course a good story outside the studios as well, with a bunch of us waiting for Clark with signs, handing out Clark bars and having a good old time in the icy wind. Here are some accounts: mine: and another Clarkie's who got to talk to him yesterday and here are some pictures: Anyway, I still am a fan of the paper. I loved the "Protestors Topple Bush" pic,and Felice's Cohen column is a riot. It keeps getting better and better. Today I am alerting every Clarkie in the city to pick up their copy to see the picture. Thanks again. Now, only the first paragraph made it, but the title was good: CLARK'S DA BOMB" it's important to note that this is the one NYC publication not rightwing/supress the vote sponsored and so far they had no primary coverage (other than the pic I am referring to). It's in paper dispensers throughout the city - and judging by my neighborhood, wildly succesful!

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