Monday, January 20, 2003

Black GOP-ers - Chickens Voting for Colonel Sanders:

Calif. Republican Leaders Still Bickering About Race

By Brian Faler - Washington Post

A California Republican Party leader has released a letter assailing the party's only
African American board member for "whining" about "how awful it is to be a black

The letter, distributed to Republican activists throughout the state, was written in
response to board member Shannon Reeves's recent critique of the party's relationship
with African Americans.

"Black Republicans are expected to provide window dressing and cover to prove that this
is not a racist party," Reeves said Jan. 7 in a letter distributed within the party.

"I, for one, am getting bored with that kind of garbage," board member Randy Ridgel
responded to Reeves. "Get over it, Bucko. You don't know squat about hardship. . . . I
personally don't give a damn about your color . . . so stop parading it around."

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