Thursday, January 16, 2003

_Bush's 'Class Warfare' Dodge - Boston Globe

Ellen Goodman writes: "I'm delighted that our commander in chief is warning the country to be
wary of warmongers. It isn't what I expect from George W. Bush at this moment in time, but so
it goes. The problem is that Bush is talking about domestic warfare, not international. He wants
the role as peacemaker for civilian hostilities, not military. The war games began even before
he announced the $674 billion tax cut package. In a preemptive strike, he said that his
opponents - those folks who think a tax break for the rich is, um, a tax break for the rich -
would foment 'class warfare'... The Bush administration figures that the couple earning
$40,000 who get a $1,333 tax cut won't begrudge a $10,244 tax cut to the couple earning
$500,000. More to the point, they won't figure what they'll lose in federal programs. As for the
folks too poor to pay taxes? These are, after all, the Americans that The Wall Street Journal
called 'lucky duckies.'"

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