Wednesday, January 15, 2003

CNN Mediawhores Reluctantly Admit the Obvious: Jr is Screwed:

WOODRUFF: It was almost a week after unveiling his economic stimulus package. Our new poll is showing the president's approval rating has moved in a direction all too familiar in the financial markets, down; 58 percent of Americans now say they approve of the way Mr. Bush is handling his job. Now, that is a five-point drop since just late last week.
Our Bill Schneider is with us again, this time right here in Washington, all the way back from south Florida.
So, Bill, President Bush did not get a boost from his economic plan.
SCHNEIDER: Well, Judy, apparently not.
Take a look at the president's ratings on economic issues. His plan includes a big tax cut. So, does the public approve of the way President Bush is handling taxes? Just narrowly favorable: 49 yes, 45 no, not a resounding cheer. The economy? People are split; 48 percent approve; 47 percent disapprove. The federal budget, not so good: 43 approve; 47 disapprove.
People have heard what this plan could mean for the deficit. OK, so, do Americans want Congress to pass the Bush economic plan? Yes, but only with major changes. Just a quarter say pass the plan as the president proposed it; 40 percent say pass it only, only after making major changes. Only 15 percent want Congress to reject it outright. An unusually large number, 20 percent, have no opinion. People think there are some good ideas in the president's plan, but they have problems with it -- all in all, a tepid response.
WOODRUFF: Well, Bill, you're not saying the president has problems for reelection, are you?
SCHNEIDER: Could be. Just over a third of registered voters now say they will definitely vote to reelect President Bush. About one- third say they would definitely vote against him. And a third say they could vote either way. The economy has now eclipsed the war on terrorism as the country's major concern.
And here's the evidence. We asked people, which issue will be more important to your vote next year: economic conditions or terrorism? And a majority say the economy. Just a third say terrorism. And 13 percent say both equally. Now, among people who say they'll vote on the economy, only a quarter say that they will definitely vote to reelect President Bush. Among those who say their main issue is terrorism, nearly half say they'll definitely vote for the president.
Is this President Bush in danger of turning into his father? Remember how his father was criticized in 1992 for being out of touch? Do people think this President Bush is out of touch with the problems ordinary Americans face? Uh-oh. Half the country says yes. Just under half say no. That's not a good sign.
The president's economic plan may have sent a damaging message; 56 percent, 56 percent of Americans -- that's a clear majority -- now say President Bush favors the rich -- Judy.
WOODRUFF: And that's a message Democrats have been trying to get out there. So...
SCHNEIDER: They have.
WOODRUFF: ... they've got to be pleased their message is getting out.

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