Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Lord Zontar's SOTU review as posted in Bartcop Forum

Chimpy sez ' ' The only thing we have to fear —is EVERYTHING! ' '"

So, who spotted all the lies in the Iraq part of the Leader's address? The ones I
noticed were: a repetition of the aluminium tubes lie, several lies of omission or
misrepresentation in regards to what Iraq hasn't declared which were declared in the
12,000 page report to the U.N., the unsubstantiated accusation in regards to death
threats against Iraqi scientists (which may or may not be true, but without credible
corroboration, how do we know for certain?). He glossed over the fact that Hussein
gassed Iraqis and Iraqi kurds with the approval or benign neglect of the Great God
Reagan, using the very weapons that Daddy and Daddy's CIA pals helped him get on
the black market. He again tries to link Al Qaeda to Iraq, nevermind that the former
represents Islamic fundamentalism which Saddam Hussein has long kept suppressed
as a threat to his power. He speaks of the U.N. inspectors "conducting a scavenger
hunt" for hidden weapons and materials, yet of course doesn't mention that the U.S.
is not sharing intelligence information as to where to look for weapons. Finally, he
engaged in what is known in debate mechanics as the logical fallacy of the Strawman:
the deliberate setup of a distorted and weakened version of an opponnent's argument
for the express purpose of knocking it down and winning a false victory on points.
Nobody is "trusting in the sanity of Saddam" for their future security.

As for the domestic stuff, it was just the same reheat of trickle-down voodoonomics
and Thousand Points Of Light Redux that I was expecting. So no surprises there.

In the 1930s, FDR told the American people that the only thing we had to fear was
fear itself and offered the country the New Deal. Seventy years later, the Occupant
sells us fear in a handful of dust and offers to us the Raw Deal.


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