Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Lieberman Will Raise above Partisanship (Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink - I Love the GOP)

Two years ago we were promised a better America,'
Joe Lieberman said [in announcing his Presidential candidacy]. 'But that
promise has not been kept. So, today I am ready to rise above partisan
politics to fight for what's right for the American people. I am ready
to protect their security, revive their economy and uphold their
values.' In that spirit, the text of Lieberman's announcement statement
never mentioned Bush by name

For those of you that liked the lovefest in the 2000 VP debate - you ain't see nothing yet! Carl Rove chose his "opponent" well! The votes are counted, the rhetoric friendly,
election 2004 is all set up! Now, back to that war...

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