Monday, January 13, 2003

The Coup is Complete: Exit Polls are Scrapped, Elections Staged without Messy Recounts

Says Faux News:

NEW YORK — Six major news organizations announced Monday they are
disbanding Voter
News Service, the consortium they had built to count votes and conduct
surveys on Election Day.
The decision follows two major election-night failures in a row by VNS.

Now, we know that exit polls were accurate every year, including in 2000. No discrepancy occured in the 49 states where the Governor was not the candidate's brother.
In 2002, Voting News Service had numbers - but they didn't jive with the paperless Diebold GOP owned Diebold machines - so they were scrapped - rather than allowed to raise red flags about the results. Now, Karl Rove with a keyboard can "count" the votes for 2004 - before they are even casted. No fuss, no muss.

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