Monday, January 20, 2003


It's Not About Regime Change, It's Just About Having a War
Is the White House War Crazy? Bob Says It Is

In a remarkable appearance on "Capital Gang," Bob "Some Facts" Novak
has divulged something the craven media has left the American people
utterly unready to comprehend: That the Bush Administration is going to war
with Iraq simply in order to have a war against somebody, anybody, and
show off its military might.

Regime change to rid Iraq of its fascist dictatorship? No, Novak charges that
"the last thing the hawks inside the administration, and their friends outside
the administration, want is a coup d'etat that would replace Saddam

Saddam's control of weapons of mass destruction? Novak: "I can't imagine
that anybody would say, We're going to war because there are 11 empty
warheads, probably left over from 10 years ago. These warheads are not the
nuclear weapons we've been warned about. They travel about 12 miles. But
this is being used as a pretext for a decision that's already been made at
high levels of the U.S. government to change the government in Iraq."

Then what could it be? Novak says it clearly: "They want a war as a
manifestation of U.S. power in the world and as a sign that the United States
is capable of changing the balance of power and the political map of the
Middle East."

Even Mark Shields can't believe it. But Novak sticks to his guns: ....

It amounts to a charge that the Bush Administration is preparing to
undertake actions that, under every international agreement on the subject
since 1945, will mark them as war criminals.

It amounts to a charge that, if things go as they seem to be going, George
W. Bush and his advisers will deserve to be packed off to the Hague and

Thanks MWO.

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