Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Dear Andrew Sulivan

MWO highlights this incredibly well writen letter sent to the shrill euro-trash:

"Those who support Bush, who
cram their theories to fit a man of his stature, are simply
afraid to admit to any flaw in him because it will bring the
whole house of cards tumbling down. So you invent a
jut-jawed man of action, determined and resolute with a clear
vision of world harmony. But the whispering in your head won't
stop: he's a vile and craven little momma's boy, a snooty
insider trader and coward who deserted his National Guard
post while the great unwashed were still dying in Vietnam, and
who rushed off to save his candy ass on September 11 and
invented a lie about Air Force one being a target while the
great unwashed were once again dying under the rubble. But
you're too damned afraid to admit it. Sick of it? Too bad.

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