Tuesday, January 21, 2003

What a Difference a NUMBER makes
posted by GoPsUcks in BC Forum

9/11 -- Most everyone knows what this represents. The most horrific terrorist attack in
world history occurred 9/11/01 when terrorists hijacked 4 jet airliners, crashing them
into the World Trade Center and Pentagon -- one missing the target and crashing into
a Pennsylvania field. 9/11 overshadows every policy the US is committed to for
probably a generation and is distorting our view of how we should deal with real threats
versus those contrived by special-interest lobbies, namely the corporations, who would
commit this nation to war for monetary gain rather than genuine security interests --
defense of the public at large.

539,000 -- That's how many votes Bush lost the popular election to Al Gore in 2000.
Although Florida was hotly contested in the courts, the Supreme Court (mostly
appointed by Republicans) had the final say and put their boy in.

300 TRILLION -- That's the number of dollars worth of oil reserves estimated under
Iraqi soil, the envy of the oil corporations who also happen to control the White House.

1441 -- That's why we're going to WAR! Or, so says Bush.... UN Security Council
Resolution #1441, passed November 8, 2002, demanded that Iraq re-open to UN
Inspectors and make a complete inventory of destroyed stock of WMD provided
through Bush, Sr. in the 1980s. So, we're GOING TO WAR BECAUSE SADDAM DIDN'T
COMPLY WITH UN RESOLUTION #1441! Would you like to die for such a cause? If
you're willing to see others die for it, yet you don't feel inclined to volunteer for the
same, what does that make you, Mr. or Ms. Patriot?

12,000 -- That's the number of pages Iraq provided to inspectors, although Bush's
White House insiders conveniently "purged" 8,000 pages out of them because they
implicated his father and GOP controlled weapons suppliers in the report. The world
mustn't see that! In Bush's defense, he claimed it was to "protect national security."
Bullshit! It was to protect weapons suppliers, namely his Texas weapons manufacturer

1,000,000 -- That's the number analysts estimate will die in Iraq should the US
invade. Low number is 300,000 for you "optimists"! Invade for what? To remove
weapons of mass destruction that other means can more easily eradicate? For a
"regime change" that can more simply be accomplished without the deaths of
thousands/millions? How insane can this White House be? The US and much of the
world will be paying the price for Bush's foolishness for many years to come. S--t rolls
downhill, and we will definitely feel the effects of such poor leadership. Wake up and
smell the biological weapons!

1.2 TRILLION -- That's the high-range of the cost estimated for the US to invade Iraq;
the low-range is $200 billion. George Bush says we can "afford" such, but can't afford
Emergency Room Medicare treatment for seniors or any other stimulus to the
economy, besides bail-outs for his corporate buddies -- corporate welfare is okay, but
welfare for the needy is a "hand-out" undeserved.

1.3 TRILLION -- That's the tax-cut for the rich that was passed in 2001 that will mainly
go to the top 3% of the population -- namely Bush's buddies.

674 BILLION -- That's the tax-cut for the rich that Bush is proposing in 2003 that will
mainly go to the top 3% of the population -- namely Bush's buddies -- and will do
NOTHING to stimulate an economy that's plunging to Depression era numbers.

1 -- That's the number of AIR FORCE ONE that Bush uses as his personal political
campaign transport. If he's out on AIR FORCE ONE, it's guaranteed that he'll make a
major campaign appearance on behalf of some Republican crony. In the 2000
campaign, however, he used the official ENRON JET to make his appearances when
running against Gore. ENRON CEOs were his closest friends and biggest contributors to
Bush's campaign and freely offered the jet. (Have you noticed that Ken Lay hasn't
been indicted yet?)

227,000,000 -- That's the number of dollars it cost the US taxpayers in 2002 alone to
fly George Bush on Air Force One to Republican campaign stops last year so he could
sew up both the House and the Senate -- thus controlling the entire US government.
How's it feel knowing that our tax dollars are being spent like this?

1984 -- That's the name of the famous George Orwell book that depicts a future
controlled by a one-world power called BIG BROTHER which monitors everyone on the
planet through electronic surveillance and stomps out any resistance to government
control. The science fiction novel best describes the era we're fast approaching -- as
civil liberties are being erased by an administration that believes it knows best for all
and that any disagreement with BIG BROTHER BUSH is an act of treason punishable by
indefinite "detainment" in military tribunals. BIG BROTHER watches every move and
clamps down "PRE-EMPTIVELY" so that the "DEPARTMENT OF PEACE" can be successful.

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