Friday, January 31, 2003

Dem POTUS Candidates Sabotage efforts to Stop War - Draft Gore!

Two senior Democratic senators, Robert Byrd
of West Virginia and Ted Kennedy of
Massachusetts, this week proposed separate
bills on the matter. Byrd's would require President
Bush (news - web sites) to seek a fresh vote
in the U.N. Security Council before attacking Iraq;
Kennedy's would require new votes in
Congress before doing so.

But the chance of approval for either
measure is slim, given GOP control of the Senate and a
lack of enthusiasm from Democratic
congressional leaders.

The bills aren't supported by any of the
four Democratic members of Congress running for
president: Sens. John Kerry of
Massachusetts, Joe Lieberman (news - web sites) of
Connecticut and John Edwards of North
Carolina, and Rep. Richard Gephardt (news, bio,
voting record) of Missouri.

"We authorized the president as commander in
chief to take action," Lieberman said. "These
decisions ultimately can't be made by 535
members" of Congress.

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