Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Bush and Dick, Helping Themselves (from Forbes Magazine):

Based on income reported in his tax returns for 2001, Bush would have saved
$16,511 on dividend payments of $43,805 if his new proposal had been in effect for
the year.

Cheney, who had dividends of $278,103 in 2001, would have saved $104,823.

The estimated savings were derived by using a tax-savings calculator on the
Internet site of the Heritage Foundation think-tank (

Cheney is to take a turn at pitching the plan in a speech to the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce on Friday.

Bush deflected a question on Monday about how he would personally benefit from
the dividend-tax cut. "My money is in a blind trust ... so I don't know if I've got any
dividends," he told reporters.

Bush and Cheney also benefited handsomely from the $1.35 trillion tax cut passed
by Congress in 2001. Cheney saved an estimated $43,000 on a tax bill of $1.72

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