Saturday, January 04, 2003

Defame, Defund and Demolish - another Moneymaker Hoax Crisis:

Joining the Social Security crisis, the Public education crisis and the liberal media crisis, the malpractice crisis was created to help insurance companies cover investment loss (by looting patients and doctors alike):

Malpractice crisis manufactured by insurers,
consumer group says
The Kansas City Star

Physicians are being misled by an insurance lobby perpetuating
the myth of a malpractice insurance crisis to cover its own sour
investments, a spokesman for a national consumer group said

"Rather than marching on state capitols, physicians should be
demonstrating in front of the headquarters of insurance
companies," said Frank Clemente, director of Congress Watch, a
part of the nonprofit consumer group Public Citizen.

Tom Holloway, director of government relations for the Missouri
State Medical Association in Jefferson City, said Thursday that
average medical malpractice premiums in Missouri had jumped
61.2 percent from a year ago.

" He said insurance companies profit more from
investments than
from premiums. The companies underpriced their products in the
1990s to build market share, he said, and when the stock market
tanked a year ago, they had a problem.

In a prepared statement, the Missouri Association of Trial
Attorneys said Friday that the number of medical malpractice
claims filed in Missouri actually went down 16 percent between
2000 and 2001. The group said average claims also had

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