Friday, January 10, 2003

From "Happy Imbeciles at War" by Mark Morford

And besides, who needs a reason for a massacre anymore? This is the age
of the preemptive-strike, screw-you Bush regime. Who needs, for example,
the Monroe Doctrine, that crusty old rag stating how America will go to
war only as a last resort, as a defensive measure, and won't become
embroiled in unwinnable foreign wars that are none of our business?

Who needs every precedent ever set by international law? Who needs the
U.N. Charter? Who needs confused congressional approval? Who needs
ethical integrity?

Screw it all, says Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, his black eyes
gleaming like the devil's own golf balls. Let us become an
ever-more-hated rogue nation, attack whomever we want, whenever we want,
with no international support and much international disgust. Let us
squander, childishly, within months, the generous and compassionate
goodwill afforded our country by our international allies in the wake of

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