Monday, January 06, 2003

Helen Thomas smacks Ari Fleisher (as recounted by bartcopper XGordy)


Let me post this while it's fresh in my mind. The quotes are not exact:

Helen "...why does the president want to kill innocent Iraqi citizens?"

Ari: "The Iraqi citizens are represented by their government....they should've
implemented a regime change......{Look on Ari's face that seemed to say OH F*CK,
WHAT AM I SAYING?} Uh, actually, Helen, the president has made it clear that he has
no problem with the Iraqi people, it's their government he has a problem with."

Helen: "Their government is none of our business, the people should decide what type
of government they have."

Ari: "Look, Helen, if you think the Iraqi people can dictate who their dictator is, you're
very wrong."

Helen: "But there are many societies around the world which have dictatorships in which
the people have no say who their ruler is. Why are you picking on Iraq?"

Then Ari quickly goes to another reporter. GO HELEN, GO!

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