Saturday, January 11, 2003

Letters to the White House


Times Correspondent

HIGHLAND -- A spirited social studies discussion among a group of third-graders at Our Lady of
Grace School turned into a letter-writing campaign to President Bush about the threat of war this

Scott Zimny, 9, wrote his letter from the perspective of a solider to a family, apologizing for killing
their son.

"I started to think about what if I were a solider," Scott said. "I wouldn't want to be a soldier, and
I think the idea of war is scary."

Several of the students were upset about the thought of war.

"I'm angry that President Bush wants to declare war," said Emily Drutis, 9. "Lots of people will get

Jennifer Ostrowski, 9, had another idea.

"The government should be fighting the war if they declare it," she said. "They should leave
innocent families alone. I don't like thinking about war."

Gigi Gonzales, 9, worried about her family.

"I don't want war. I love my brother, and I don't want him to be drafted," she said. "He's 11 or 12,
but I hear there are very young kids in the Army."

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