Sunday, January 05, 2003

Who's paying for the new Tax Cuts for the Rich?
partial list posted on DU by Ramsey:

1. Cutting Medicare expenditures by promoting "competition" and increasing
private insurance covergae to recipients.

2. Cut in military pay raises and housing subsidies.

3. Cut in veterens benefits, particularly for those on disability as well as pensions.
Elimination of lifeling pensions for WWII and Korean vets.,_vets_spar.htm

4. Cut in federal workers cost-of-living bonuses.

5. Cutting size of planned NIH budget increase from 15% to less than 1%
(Congress passed a law to double the NIH budget by 2005).

6. Cutting federal subsidies for reduced cost and free school lunch programs for
poor children.

7. Eliminating unemployment benefits to parents who take time off for
childbearing or adoptions.

8. Vetoed spending bill passed by Congress allotting money $340 million to fund
fire departments equipment and training, improved communications systems, and
to monitor health effects on workers at Ground Zero, and farm subsidies.

9. Requiring welfare recipients to work a minumum of 40 hours a week and
eliminating coverage foe school or job training. Asks for drastic reductions in
several job training programs for laid-off workers.

10. Refused to release a promised $34 million to the United Nations Population
Fund (UNFPA).

11. Took $1.3 billion from federal student loan prpgram allowing college students
to consolidate their loans at low interest rates.

12. Failed to release allotted $20 billion for the clean up and rebuilding in New
York City after 9-11.

13. Shifts burden of paying for Superfund site clean-up from industry to taxpayers.

14. Broke a campaign promise to expand chidlren's health benefits under the
CHIP program, citing lack of funds.

15. Cut U.S. aid for helping Third World countries combat global warming.

16. HUD ran out of funds for a Congressionally mandated rental property
mortgage insurance program, and the Bush administration will not release the
required funds, resulting in increased fees for FHA housing.

17. Slashed spending on nuclear safety projects in Russia.,7369,486928,00.html
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