Tuesday, July 06, 2004

(#153) (Rated 5.00/2)

by RuthBenedict on 07/06/2004 09:26:24 AM EST

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The very core of our democracy is peril.  John Kerry's decision today makes that make all the more evident. 
The press haven't done their job in years.
Propaganda is the only "news" being reported.
The presidency was stolen with little upheaval from "The people."
The lies continue to be spoken as truth.
Our nation has turned into a perilous imperialist thug.
The Republican party uses fear, phony patriotism and religion to stir hearts and minds.
The Democratic Party has succumbed to the corporate media pressure - stemming directly from the White House.
The electorate is uninformed and apathetic.
The democracy that was created by our Founding Fathers is dead.
Wesley Clark, I ask you sir.  How can we continue?

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