Tuesday, July 06, 2004

(#78) (Rated 5.00/1)

by Anonymous on 07/06/2004 09:11:05 AM EST

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Michelle in Montreal here. I'm so glad I stopped in here before turning on my TV. I won't bother now. I can't tell you how much I hurt for you guys and for everyone. I have such a sick feeling in my heart. The Republicans have already won. They have donated to Edwards' campaign. They, via Edwards, whom their troops were out bootsing in force, almost managed to defeat Clark in Oklahoma (I know this first hand because my best friend worked her ass off for Clark down there from the day he announced, went to the first Meet-up, helped organize from the ground up long before Little Rock got involved). As a Canadian I am very depressed by the porspect that if Kerry is elected, Mr. Edwards will be just one heartbeat away from the Presidency. He is about as qualified to be President as George W. Bush. Plus, how many potential indie voters have this pair lost? What, so Michael Moore's overnight success has made Kerry believe he can't lose, no matter who he picks? I wonder what Bill Clinton must be thinking. Two guys who voted for the war AND the Patriot Act. How can they credibly attack Bush on either issue? And 'the two Americas'? How long before Edwards is portrayed as the multimillionaire populist fraud he really is? The only guy who is likely to gain from this is Nader. And that's very bad news for all of us. Many people may stay home on voting day, and all we can hope is that enough Republicans will stay at home rather than vote for Bush. It's going to be a crapshoot all right, but in the end, even if Kerry wins, the world will still spend the next four years just a heartbeat away from an Edwards presidency. I can't believe all this is happening. General Clark was a gift. I can't believe the Democratic party has just thrown him away for the second time. I expect they (and us) will come to rue both those days. Let's hope not.

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