Wednesday, July 07, 2004

(#55) (Rated 5.00/1)

by Anonymous on 07/07/2004 05:21:14 AM EST

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Hi Noel,

Couldn't sleep any longer.  I feel like we're long fast friends although I've just read your many posts.  I'm a retired intercity school teacher.  Gave thirty years of my life teaching kids the ideals of the american dream.  So many of them joined the military just to come home and get an education.  The saddest thing is my inner city kids have the street smarts to see through a Kerry and Edwards so fast.  Multi millionaires and how you get to be one protecting their rights?  It's people like me who were willing to forgo making oodles of money and go into the inner city and try to make a difference that protect their rights.  I just feel like such a failure.  How did we let these monsters get such a hold on what is supposed to be our Democracy?

Patti from MN       /
(#50) (Rated 5.00/1)

by Anonymous on 07/07/2004 04:31:31 AM EST

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General Clark is being used by Kerry just like Bush used General Zinni in 2000.  Tell the politicians to go F themselves, sir, and speak out on the issues you care about.  Zinni said he'll never make the mistake of endorsing a candidate again.
We need a bi-partisan PAC of military people to tell all of them what to do.  All of these military people, retired and on active duty, who believed that Kerry cared about them...think how betrayed the ones who leaked the Halliburton Pentagon memo or the abu ghraib pictures must feel.
Was that Armymom's David on the last thread?  Who has been threatening her?  The PNAC'ers? FREEPERS?  Armymom, you know I've got your back.  Come see us on Golden Eagles' site.
Clarkies, you are good people.  Keep up the fight.

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