Wednesday, July 07, 2004

(#231) (No rating)

by Robbedvoter (Robbedvoter at forclark dot com) on 07/07/2004 10:18:42 AM EST

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Sorry, Joan.
It is you peddling stories that I KNOW from the source that are not true. (Clark's dreaming of being SOD). In fact it was you, in your report from the democratic party Unity dinner who wrote: "We all agreed he shouldn't be VP" (never found out who "we" was)
 Donna Z has been a blogger, DU-er, drafter friend of Wellstone and of Clark and highly respected by all of us REAL ACTIVISTS. You are now playing with fire slinging s* in the wrong direction. This is pathetic.
     Lies will not get us dragged in. Voting against Bush is the most we can give and you make even this so much harder.

(#230) (Rated 5.00/1)

by Donna Z (donna_zen at yahoo dot com) on 07/07/2004 10:18:31 AM EST

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The blog has always moved in waves. At times those waves have crested with joy brought on by a poll or a scrap of information. A big story could propell us through 600 happy posts. There are miles of posts scattered throughout, the flotsom and jettsom of the off thread kind. The threads contain plenty to read and ponder, but most of all the flow is the thing...things change, the weather clears, the storm moves across the horizon.
It was with that in mind that I mentioned to Catherine yesterday that the blog was having a "bad day." I wanted the forces that be to expect the worst. Now I hope that the waters can calm after the storm may the sun breakout. I'm willing to move on and hope that there are those who are with me. In many ways for me, yesterday was far worst than Feb. 12th because it contained a certain finality, a closure that left a void rather than a completion. Reading some of this mornings posts I'm hoping for a better day.
General Clark is an amazing person! He's doing his thing and I want him to succeed. Fortunately for the troops they have his voice. He is working to keep their story alive and in the news. He wants bush out of the WH! A woman at the rally was holding a homemade sign that said: "If you can do good, you should." She wasn't a blogger...just someone with the right stuff.
So keep posting and I'll be around later to check the weather. Personally, I don't want to hurt General Clark or anyone associated with him. I try to keep that in mind and hope that my keyboards gets the message.

(#229) (No rating)

by joandarc ( on 07/07/2004 10:18:23 AM EST

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My apologies to Donna Z. I'm not on the blog as much as some of you. I'm just too suspicious with all the trolling going on, I guess, and I am reluctant to accept what Donna has been implying--it seems she does have the credentials. Sorry all.  I prize the energy I've had thus far to work against Bushco and it has been undermined somewhat. Maybe the best and only way is to just work for WesPAC. I'm much more miserable today than I was yesterday.

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