Tuesday, July 06, 2004

[new] (#244) (No rating)

by TOTALLY COMMITTED on 07/06/2004 09:46:02 AM EST

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Sybil, my phone has been ringing off the hook (all the kids have called me -- BTW, C4C has asked me to give her regards to all of you. She's VERY pissed right now.)
I am feeling badly for all of YOU right now. I'm VERY medicated at this point, so I'm feeling no real "pain". I may even need to go and lay down very soon.
I only wish I could have convinced you all (Lord knows I tried), and maybe now wouldn't have been such a let-down. I should have triued to do a better job of it. I knew what K. was capable of, and when I saw THE KERRY MOMENT shaping up, I KNEW it meant he was going to do the EASY and the EXPEDIENT thing.
I think I'm okay. I've cried. I've shouted. I chose something that had no sentimental attatchment for me and I broke it.
Please know this: everything you ((((send)))) me will be returned to you a thousand-fold from me. You are all the best. WES CLARK IS THE BEST.
I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE WHAT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY HAS BECOME. Sorry, but there it is. This Party used to mean something, now it only means to use something -- US.
So, thanks Sybil. E-mail later?

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