Tuesday, July 06, 2004

[new] (#59) (No rating)

by beezer65 (beezer65@forclark.com) on 07/06/2004 09:05:07 AM EST

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Edwards won out because, by many reports, he is one of the most devastatingly charming people in America, one-on-one or in small rooms. He worked Kerry and Teresa for months, and combined with the pressure from the DNC and the sheeplike devotion of superficial rank-and-file Democrats (i.e., those who only appreciated Clinton's charm and not his sweeping command of all aspects of policy) Kerry couldn't resist. How this bodes for the future of the country ... Well, ABC's The Note recently hinted that most Democratic leaders don't really believe the party can hold on to the White House, so they're satisfied to be "ABB" rather than make a serious attempt to transform the nation's politics, because they don't think that's possible. Kerry can't fix this country. At best, it'll be four more years of nastiness, and at worst, the man is incapable of making either good or quick decisions. "At least he's better than Bush" is about as powerful as "At least we're better than Saddam."

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