Wednesday, July 07, 2004

[new] (#345) (No rating)

by Donna Z (donna_zen at yahoo dot com) on 07/06/2004 12:01:26 PM EST

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Joan_I appreciate your positive thoughts, please believe me when I tell you that. Nevertheless, Kerry and the Democratic Party have treated Wes Clark with absolute distain. And Edwards maybe more than willing to talk, but he does not speak for me. There's the rub. Edwards and Kerry have stood for everything that I have opposed about the bush administration. General Shelton is the cherry on the sunday.
So now Wesley Clark is out there speaking against the war and the conduct of the war; however, he is speaking alone and without a mic.
So while I would love to join you in believing in a better day; I am sadly unable to do so.
I have never believed that Wes Clark would have a role to play in a possible Kerry administration and today only reinforces that belief.

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