Friday, January 03, 2003

Nothing Good Happened, but Recession was over (since 2001) so, there!

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. recession probably ended in late 2001 but there is no formal call yet on when a
recovery might have begun, the head of an elite economic panel said on Friday.

"We're on hold now," said Robert Hall, chairman of the committee at the National Bureau of Economic Research which
determines the beginning and end to U.S. recessions.

The last report (which placed the beginning of the recession in March 2001) was issued as of November 26, 2001. So, according to this "on hold" evaluation, by the time the economists became aware that a recession has started in was over.
It reminds me of the fastest gun in the West routine: you can't actually see it happening because it's so fast.

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