Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Privatizing Unemployment Benefits - it's Good for You!

pResident Bush is proposing "re-employment accounts" of up to $3,000 to help
jobless Americans and a new round of tax cuts that will touch 92 million
people, brushing aside criticism that the economic growth package he is
unveiling Tuesday is tailored to help the rich.

After tackling the unemployment benefits issue, Bush wants Congress to create
"re-employment accounts" of up to $3,000 that could be used by states in a
variety of ways - including awarding bonuses to people who quickly leave
unemployment rolls.

Stockbrockers must be really hard up for business - they get a boon from the unemployment compensation fund (coming from your paycheck) and invest it in Enron or something just as good. Not unlike the non-privatization" of Social Security.

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