Tuesday, January 07, 2003

The Left's Limbaugh - Michael More makes News:

Satirist Moore Storms Out of Britain
American satirist Michael Moore has
stormed out of Britain after a bust up with
the London theatre hosting his one-man
show. The Bowling For Columbine
moviemaker performed Michael Moore -
Live! to packed audiences for two months
before Christmas at The Roundhouse in Camden, North
London. But on the penultimate night he reportedly
flew into a rage, verbally attacked everyone
associated with the theatre because he thought he
wasn't being paid enough. During the performance he
complained he was making just $750 a night. A member
of the stage crew says, "He completely lost the plot.
He stormed around all day screaming at everyone,
even the £5-an-hour bar staff, telling them how we
were all conmen and useless. Then he went on stage
and did it in public." Staff retaliated by refusing to
work the following night, which led to the show being
held up for an hour. Eventually he made a groveling
apology to staff and the angry audience finally took to
their seats. A source reports that Moore then packed
his bags and flew to New York the next day without
saying thank you or goodbye to anyone.

Since his fan club is rushing to his defense, here's an e-mail to a democrat on assisting Nader's coup that fits the same pattern:

>yes, my dear and bitter friend, it's been all shit
> > for me since i goofed up
> > >on that nader business...
> > >
> > >additions to my mailing list since nov 7: 123,778
> > >
> > >increase in hits to website since nov 7: 410%
> > >
> > >sales of Awful Truth VHS and DVDs since nov 7: all
> > inventory sold out!
> > >
> > >hang in there. the past is a beautiful thing.
> > >
> > >mike

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