Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Feb-18-03, 09:26 AM (CST)

""But if we go to war, you'd want us to win" asked Hannity of a peace"

activist. "Who wins in an earthquake?" was the inspired answer. Sorry, I don't
remember the name, I was flipping fast since the hatred there is bad for me, but 12
hours later, the answer still rings in my ears.
I went on Hardball next (or was it the sucky show that had the TBTM guys on?) Anyway,
they were interviewing a Human Shield guy from Bagdad - and the same
McCarthy-esque question came: "Do you want Saddam to stay in power?" The answer
followed: "I am an American, what I want is irrelevant. It's up to the Iraqui people, not

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