Friday, February 07, 2003

Toni Blair on Iraq

C-Span showed last night this amazing exercise in Democracy: Toni Blair in a one on one talk show format was answering the interviewer and audience's questions on Iraq. His answers were all wrong, but the audience was 100% anti-war, and so was the interviewer. Much as he was trying to legitimize Bush here, at least his arguments were cogent and well expressed and he was EXPLAINING HIMSELF!
Much as I disagreed with everything he said, my heart went out to him, when this woman asked: "Do you think you have anyone behind you on this?"
The remarkable part of the answer was this: "Of course the Parliament has to approve..." Wow! In UK the Parliament actually decided war and peace! I remember something like this in our Constitution too, but our Senators gave it away to the king.Anyway, for all Blair's talking, it meand that UK WON"T GO TO WAR - its parliament will never approve it! It'll be just us, cowboys there, starting WWIII then!

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