Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Osama bin Ladin status today: alive and talking

Report: New Bin Laden statement slams Arab leaders

Al Qaeda leader, Osama Bin Laden has issued a new statement on the current military buildup
in the Middle East, to coincide with the Muslim pilgrimage and festival of Hajj.

The statement, consisting of an audio recording and an English transcript, have been released
by Al-Ansaar News Agency in Birmingham, UK. The statement highlights a number of points,
including the lack of action by Arab leaders. (Albawaba.com)

Of course, out fearless leader (who bragged in SOTU about erradicating terrorism) takes this as meaning: "I fully suport Saddam, he is my accomplice, couldn't have done 9.11 without him" Hail fearless leader!

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