Monday, February 10, 2003

When not buldozed or cremated...

According to
The Mirror

UP to 100,000 body bags and 6,000 coffins have been secretly delivered to a US base in Italy,
a Catholic archbishop claimed yesterday.

Archbishop Renato Martino, president of the Pope's Council of Peace and Justice, said the
consignment had arrived at the Sigonella base near Catania on the island of Sicily 10 days

He said: "Americans are expecting a high number of casualties. That is why so many body
bags and coffins have been sent to the base.

"I am very apprehensive about this. War brings only destruction, misery and hate. It doesn't
resolve anything and is always like this.

"A true preventative action would be to try and avoid war. The consequences of this war will
make themselves all too obvious on the American people when they start to see coffins with
loved ones in returning home."

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