Friday, February 07, 2003

The Horse said it: The Nation and Snitchens Deserved Each Other:

Snitch Hitchens, Pride of the Right and The Nation
"I Hope [Al Gore and Hillary Clinton] Get Some Sort of Wasting Disease"
vanden Heuvel: "He'd be Welcomed Back"
Is Any Self-Respecting Source Still Publishing this Sad Case?

Christopher Hitchens Has Lost It

" And now Gore and wife say that Bush is picking a fight with
Iraq? Fuck them. I really mean it. I have nothing but
contempt for them. We are risking people’s lives, and all they
can be is flippant...The thought of these people in power
frightens me."

A lot of innocuous things seem to "frighten" Hitchens these days,
retroactively, CIA double-agent operative Bill Clinton, who has finally sent
poor Snitch over the edge.

" And I’m very glad that Nader stayed in to the end, because he
hurt Al Gore’s chances of winning. ..."

Therein lies the reason for the Nation's undying loyalty to the Snitch.

However, Nader didn't "hurt Gore's chances of winning," since Gore won,

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