Friday, February 21, 2003

Wash Post says: Protesters make Saddam Bold
Gratuitous responds on BC Forum:

This week's RNC blast fax talking point is a two-fer, in case you hadn't noticed: First,
all those millions of people demonstrating in the streets all over the world weren't
sufficiently anti-Saddam (well, pardon the heck out of us for recognizing Cowboy
Dumbya as the bigger threat to world peace), and now Saddam's all emboldened
(There's that word "bold" again! Someone buy Karl Rove a thesaurus, please) because
of it.

Let's deal with the lies and distortions in order: First, there has been plenty of
anti-Saddam sentiment in the anti-war camp, and we've got nothing to apologize for.
This whole charade by the RNC is to try to see if we'll preface every comment with
"Saddam is a bad, bad man." Sort of their version of "Simon says."

Second, Saddam is "emboldened." To do WHAT? He hasn't done anything since his
hash got settled back in 1991, and he doesn't have the capability to do anything now.
Anyone can tell you that a rattlesnake is a deadly animal, but a rattlesnake in a
terrarium isn't going to hurt anyone unless you stick your hand in there. And there's Lil
George, poking his hammy, grasping, greedy little hand into the terrarium, and trying
to convince us all how brave he is, when the overriding sentiment in the world is, "Stop
doing that, you mor

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