Friday, February 07, 2003

"Story just got
legs : No 10 admits mistake in copying Iraq dossier"

Downing Street today said it made a mistake in failing to acknowledge that a
large section of a dossier on Saddam Hussein was copied from a Californian
postgraduate student’s outdated thesis.

The dossier was designed to help win over sceptics by outlining Iraq’s alleged
efforts to hide its weapons of mass destruction. It said UN weapons inspectors
were outnumbered by 200 to one by Iraqi agents trying to deceive them, and
provided "up to date details" of Iraq’s security organisations.

Colin Powell, the US Secretary of State, even recommended it to the world in his
keynote UN presentation on Wednesday, in which he called the document a "fine

There's a synergy at work - we had just started an e-mail campaign to get our media to air this story.(so far everyone is crowing on Powell's making the case). This will make it harder for them to ignore.
Also, what I missed from last night Blair conference:
"The fact that we used some of his work does not
throw into question the accuracy of the document as
a whole, as he himself acknowledged on Newsnight
last night, where he said that in his opinion the
document overall was accurate."
But Toni, the subject was Iraq in 1991, dear, Poppy's war, not the sequel!

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