Tuesday, February 18, 2003

"Kill, kill, kill - electric chair, by proxy, bombing - KILLING!"

Checking off from a long list of enemy: the girl in grade school who didn't give him
the time of day, the jocks making fun of him for being a cheerleader, the teachers
who made him feel dumb,Clinton, Saddam, protestors, Jeffords, France - blowing
France up! Germany! Pooty-poot - how could you do that to me - you, i'll dice to
pieces. Greenspan - decapitation, Blix - impalling, Osama - no Chrismas bonus check
for ya, Pickles - first beat her to a pulp to brass band music then kill her, Karen -
killing her very - very slowly to striptease music. He is now on a big mountain of
skeletons - and has bags and bags of money in his arms. Poppy looks down: "good
job son, keep applying yourself and you'll soon catch up with Jebbie - he's on top of
that bigger mountain of bodies, with even more money...It's getting cold, but wait -
Babs appears and comes closer, ready to kiss him. She is soft and perfumed and
desirable , she'll make everything all right, but.... BAM! she smacks him with a
baseball bat yelling: "you had to shit that bed again, didn't you? You don't expect me
to change this diaper - and what did I do wrong for you to get born without a dick? BAM!

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