Monday, February 03, 2003

The "Blame Clinton" for the Shuttle Started, so, Here's an Article:

Clinton offers NASA $14 billion in 2001 budget
February 7, 2000
Web posted at: 5:07 PM EST (2207 GMT)

From staff

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- New programs like "Living with a Star"
and the Small Aircraft
Transportation System highlight NASA's $14 billion budget
request for fiscal year 2001,
unveiled Monday by NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin.
President Bill Clinton's proposed
budget would provide a three-percent funding increase over
2000 for the agency.

The budget would decrease NASA involvement in operations.
But Goldin said NASA
"will never compromise safety. It's our number one priority.
That's why I am proud
to announce our shuttle safety program alone will jump from
$600 million to $2.1
billion over the next six-year period."

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