Tuesday, February 04, 2003

TBTM Breaking News:

BREAKING: O'Reilly tells member of 9/11 Victim's Family to 'Shut Up!'
Posted Tuesday, February 4, 2003 by stranger

So Bill O'Reilly - who was so concerned at TBTM's boycott of Rush Limbaugh that he accused
us of 'stifling Limbaugh's freedom of speech' last night - told Not In Our Name's Jeremy
Glick, whose father died in the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2000, to 'Shut up,
Shut up' and ordered his crew to turn off Glick's microphone on tonight's O'Reilly Factor.

We knew that O'Reilly was a hypocrite even before TBTM appeared on the program. Little did
we know that the very next day, he'd prove it in front of the entire Faux News audience.

More details later. Stay tuned.

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