Saturday, February 01, 2003

hholli1 posted on Bartcop forum:

"OMG!!! I just got APPLAUDED at the DMV!!!!"

So this irate guy (but who isn't irate at the DMV?) starts in on the war and the
economy and how he's glad Bush is in office. Three or four of us started to laugh and
he singled me out and told me I sleep under a blanket of "freedom and liberty" that
George W. Bush provides for me...he emphasized it by saying "those three
words"...."freedom and liberty" and went on to say that Democrats didn't have three
words to rest their laurels on. (aside: I am famous for coming up with a rebuttal after
the fact so I am particularly giddy right on...) I came back with the fact
that we DID have three words..."PEACE AND PROSPERITY". Those three words. I told
him they were the very hallmark of the Clinton administration THOSE THREE
WORDS...Peace and Prosperity.

He called me a "tax and spend" liberal

I called him a "bankrupt and bomb" conservative

He then told me I must have been one of those people who voted for that Kennedy
in that last election...and advised me not to drive over any bridges anytime soon. I
let him know that Laura Bush's car killed just as many people as Ted Kennedy's car
did. I asked him what Rush told him to think about that, and he actually looked
puzzled. (HA HA)

But is where the ovation happened. I had gotten my letter, and was
leaving and he said, "Just remember...those three words". (like it should have been
some sort of epiphany for me or something) I said that I would remember the three
words of Democratic leadership (when in power) are PEACE AND PROSPERITY and that
the three words I would remember about Republicans in power are GRAB YOUR

Even the little old lady applauded.

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