Saturday, February 01, 2003

NASA budget cuts human flight, pushes nukes
February 5, 2002 Posted: 12:11 PM EST (1711 GMT)

By Richard Stenger
CNN Sci-Tech

(CNN) -- The proposed 2003 budget for NASA would scale back spending on the
international space station and space shuttle but promote the development of
nuclear technology in space.

Unveiled Monday, the Bush administration proposal offers $15 billion to the space
agency, $500 million more than 2002. Most NASA missions would receive slightly
larger budgets in the new fiscal year, with two major exceptions.

Space station Alpha, the subject of intense criticism for billions in cost overruns, would
lose roughly $230 million over its 2002 allotment of $1.7 billion.

The space shuttle program, which Bush administration budget documents scold for
inefficient safety upgrades, would receive about $65 million less than its $3.3 billion
last year.

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