Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Posted by Antidolt on Bartcop:

More on the Bush budget. (jaw dropping to floor)"

I had no idea! Did you? In order to make up for the budget shortfalls in nearly every
government agency, the Bush Adm. is asking that these agencies instead start
collecting "user fees". In other words, they want these agencies to be funded by the
very industries they are supposed to be regulating! Eli Lily and Pfizer will be funding
the FDA, GM and Firestone will be funding the Consumer Safety Commission, the
Cattlemen's Assn. will be funding the Agriculture Dept., the television networks will be
funding the FCC, etc. etc.

This came from an article in yesterday's Wall St. Journal which I can't link to (Mr.
Antidolt called from out-of-town to tell me about it). Apparently, there will be a lot of
Congressional opposition, but I'm really scared.

Kids, we're not just merely dead, we're really quite sincerely dead.

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