Tuesday, March 23, 2004

#104) (Rated 5.00/3) by Donna Z on 03/23/2004 12:42:45 AM EST
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Well, General Clark warned them that bringing up 911 was a loaded gun pointed right back at the White House.

So Wes, after 5 appearances today can we all say: "Make my day?"

I really do love that man. Wasn't he the greatest today? I didn't get to SEE them all, but thanks to cyber-world, I got to read about the three I missed. Does anyone get the feeling that Wes just took National Security issues off the table for bushCo? The only reservation I have about today and Clarke's book hoopla, is that Wesley Clark has been saying all of this for months. I know he cares less about getting the credit than he does about getting the job done, but we all know who said it first.

Judy, judy, judy...expect a call from rove. The lizard DNA just didn't take this evening.

Ah yes___I contributed to Kerry this evening. It was the face on the front page that pushed me over the edge. Wes Clark's face that is.

I'm voting against bush...I have to...my state is now considered some sort of battleground and I believe it will be close. Kerry is good on the environment, women's issues, yadi yadi yadi yadi. And he is not bush. This occupation of our country demands bold action from its citizens.

Seeing General Clark on Kerry's site always makes me a little ill. I know it's silly but I just can't seem to understand why I feel that way. It is an emotional not an intellectual reaction, so ain't no splainin' it away.

Perhaps it is my desire to see General Clark hanging with his buds Rubin and Holbrooke as they race around the world straightening out the old place. Picking up a Nobel along the way. I know he'd have a great time, do good, and lift us all up. Oh yeah! He needs to be there. And Lady Gert and Christianne...would those two not be the finest? Setting those no account Taliban forever under into their hellish places? Oh yeah! Dancing with the Pakistanis indeed sir. It is all the low hanging fruit.

I was a Wes Clark Democrat long before I ever heard his name. He speaks for me.

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