Monday, March 22, 2004

[new] (#278) (Rated 5.00/2)

by KnightRider (A CLARK Democrat!) on 03/22/2004 03:02:36 PM EST

Today Show (NBC: 3/22/04): The Art of the Clark Offensive
Supports Richard Clarke and discredits Condy Rice ;

ATTACK. Condy Rice rebutt's charges against Richard Clarke's statements on 60 Minutes (CBS):

CLARK: [Credibility]  "I worked with Dick Clarke while over in Joint Staff (mid 90's),.... he's a very credible, dedicated person, . . enormous credibility,.. total professional,.. not-paritisan,..  a political staffer! (ie. not in leadership and cabinet post).   "Look,...These are very serious charges against the Bush Administration..."

ATTACK:[Rice shifts blame onto a career staffer] Shouldn't Democrats take some blame.....wasn't it Clinton's watch during Cole?);...... Is this a  legitimate politic attack, ..considering the elections?....are you saying that 911 could have been prevented?  

CLARK:[the REAL ISSUE] American people have to face issue asking who is best to lead country,  It was important to put together a strategy.....  The question is not whether 911 would have been prevented, ..... but it's clear that more could have been done on his watch.  Instead,  US Gov't was more interested in national missle defense, Putin and Russia,

.............but the No.1 threat was not addresed,...and that was al' Qaida.   As Truman said, "On matters of National Security, buck stops here!,...Bush took us to war we didn't have fight.

ATTACK: [Democrats weapon]: Will Kerry "use" this against the President in the general elections?"
CLARK:[Getting back to the issues]  "Using"  is not the issue, all candidates said that we did not have to fight Irag. This is an essential political issue.  John said war is the last resort. His record was very clear, he did not want to rush to war.  John Kerry was "dealing" with the "issues" of Irag , war was suppose to be the last resort before diplomatic efforts were exhausted.


This was classic Wes Clark,.....he's mastered the art of debate..... (know your opponent, anticipate their questions)

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