Monday, March 22, 2004

(#54) (Rated 5.00/5)
by larry on 03/22/2004 03:55:41 PM EST
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No problem.  For those of you who don't know me, I worked with the campaign, helping run online fundraising with Brent Blackaby.  I'm currently assisting Nancy Parrish with setting up General Clark's new plans.  Stay tuned!
Larry Huynh
(#39) (Rated 5.00/3)

by larry on 03/22/2004 03:50:58 PM EST

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Sorry about the previous post.  Here is the info in a clean format.
***General Clark doing several more TV interviews Today***
General Clark will be making several more TV interviews today,
discussing the news from Richard Clarke and other national issues.
These should be the correct times.
FOX - Your World with Neil Cavuto 4:00pm EST
MSNBC with Debra Norville 9:00pm EST
CNN Newsnight w/Aaron Brown 10:00pm EST

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