Sunday, March 21, 2004

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by Anonymous on 03/21/2004 04:20:49 AM EST

Its so hard for we passionate Clarkies to quickly run over to Kerry. He had no grass roots, no passionate supporters. He just kind of got accepted as the one that has earned his mettle in the Democratic Party. In my opinion the Democratic Party hasn't earned its mettle of late. It is leading almost nowhere. We still believe in the principles but realize the inroads the RepublicAn Party has made. They have infiltrated the AARP, the Sierra Club and many others. I will vote for Kerry and even work although moderately for him. YES, I'm concerned that he is a Skull and Crossbones. YES, I'm concerned that he has waffled on so many issues. The guy certainly does not turn me on as a candidate but he is the lesser of two evils. Some of you don't understand how hard this is for passionate people to accept! Patti from MN

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