Monday, March 15, 2004

(#37) (No rating)

by beckham on 03/15/2004 04:17:39 PM EST

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Latest offering from Dean to his blog site makes no mention of supporting John Kerry or the Democratic Party, but asks supporters to donate to the campaign of Jesse Jackson Jr. Offers to ongoing conceit that the Deanies have totally changed the Democratic Party and encourages them to continue to do so. Absolutely no mention of challanging the Republicans or George Bush but only of challenging the Democratic establishment.Such an incorrigible jerk.
All the talk of a "united" Dem party is just a brave front, I think. With Edwards offering half hearted support, Kucinich continuing his ego trip, Dean advocating open rebellion and Nader doing his Jesus Christ thing, it will present a huge obstacle to the Democratic cause this November.

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