Monday, March 29, 2004

[new] (#130) (Rated 5.00/3)

by TOTALLY COMMITTED on 03/29/2004 04:20:03 PM EST

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I was just listening to some talk radio here, and guess what? Last week Kerry was ahead of Bush 52% to 47%. This week AFTER the ClarkE testimony and everything, those numbers have reversed. Iti s now Bush 52% over Kerry at 47%. the analyst says that THE REPUBLICANS ARE HAVING A GREAT DEAL OF SUCCESS, it seems, AT DEFINING KERRY to the voting public.
Kerry is seen, supposedly as "a waffler, who is weak on issues of defense and security", according to this poll.
I say, WTF?????
I'm telling you -- if Kerry chooses ANYONE BUT GENERAL CLARK, we are going to have our Democratic Keesters handed to us next November, people.  

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