Saturday, March 27, 2004

Breck's pushines

> Friday, March 26, 2004 By Neil Cavuto
> I want you to look at something. I'm probably the only guy who
> notices things like this but look at this picture from the big
> Democratic National Committee Unity Dinner (search) rally Thursday
> in Washington.
> The guy who wants to be president ñ Sen. John Kerry -- with two
> Democrats who "were" president: Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter. And
> Al Gore too. What the heck is John Edwards (search) doing?
> He manages to crash a perfectly planned unity photo shot by
> into the picture. Look at him! I think he took out five guys
> up there!
> I mean, is it me, or is this Edwards guy pushing it?
> All the other presidential candidates relegated themselves to the
> sidelines. There was Al Sharpton and Howard Dean and Dick Gephardt
> all dutifully playing second and third and fourth fiddles.
> Not Edwards. He was right there with Kerry. Gosh, he looked like
> running mate. Maybe that was the point.
> But Sen. Edwards, may I offer a suggestion? Stop trying so hard.
> You're bordering on looking like a suck-up. And worse, a party
> crasher. You're Eddie Haskell in pinstripes!
> You just ruined your party's money shot. And don't those guys know
> it.
> No offense, Sen. Edwards, but you can kiss your running mate hopes
> goodbye. That one smarmy move will cost you.
> Don't get me wrong. Bosses like to be sucked up to. They just don't
> like it when you make it so obvious.

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