Sunday, March 21, 2004

(#206) (No rating) by The bug on 03/21/2004 01:17:32 PM EST
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Just got here so don't know if anyone has reported this yet.....

A "pundit" on CNN this morning was reporting what is possibly going
on with Edwards these days - says he may be considering running for his
own Senate seat - that redistricting has caused the filing date to be
extended to April somethingerother.

Now, before anyone gets too excited, I must say that I think this
"in the know" guy for CNN is the same one who "reported" that Gert had
told Wes she didn't want him to run for VP.

If that's the case, though, and CNN is just inventing stories based
on what this guy is supposedly hearing, it's interesting to note the
kinds of things CNN is trying to invent for public consumption. Theyjust continue to amaze....

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